Friday, November 16, 2007

When Did I tick off Karma?

It just gets better and better....

Picture it, 4am and you are awakened from a dead sleep by the smoke alarm going off in your toddler's room.

By the time you get your head around what is happening and stumble (sore knee and all) out of your bed, you can already hear your husband shouting, "Oh my God...."

What did he find when he burst through the door? He found nothing, because the room was absolutely WHITE with mist. This is NO exaggeration. You could not see the bed, or the kid allegedly in it, from the door. For no apparent reason, L's humidifier decided to go haywire and it looked exactly like morning on Monterey Bay in her room. When you visit you will understand. We had to open the window to get the fog out. That was refreshing as it is quite cold here at 4am....

The good news, L slept through the whole thing, the alarm, her Dad's yelling, the window, me putting the damp little one back on her pillow and covering her back up.

This morning even her carpet is wet.... Apparently it's time for humidifier purchase number 17.

So, Karma, I am very very sorry for whatever it is that I did! Can we call it even now?

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

Karma is making for some great reads.