Saturday, May 31, 2008

Welcome to the PTA.....

NO, I haven't been devoured by some rare West Coast disease...

I have taken a position with the PTA.

My new title for the upcoming year is Volunteer Coordinator. Translation: Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. It's my job to get already overextended parents to VOLUNTEER their precious time for the good of our school. And when they don't show up, I get..... to do the work.

All jokes aside, it's a perfect job for me. In spite of the fact I am already exhausted, and my term hasn't yet officially started, I am loving every minute of getting to use my brain and big mouth for something so very worthwhile. Funny side story, I actually volunteered to be the treasurer, because I thought it would be painless. Oddly enough, when an accountant stepped up for that job, they didn't want to let me off the hook. For some strange reason, they thought I would be better suited to a job that involves repeatedly approaching complete strangers and politely talking (browbeating) them into donating their precious time for the good of the school. I cannot imagine what possessed them to think I would be well-suited to this position. It's funny, those of you who have known me since before children know my last professional job was in PR for a non-profit blood center. I am fearful it was easier to talk people out of their blood than it will be to get their time....

Anyway, I am already loving every minute of it! C may not be quite so thrilled as he is suddenly getting LOTS of "quality" time with a certain toddler angel.

Yesterday's 7 hour shift included prepping, serving, and cleaning up after we served 450 grilled hot dogs, and 400 grilled hamburgers to the entire student body and their families. In theory, I should have been walking around greeting parents and schmoozing them into positions for next year. In reality, I never want to handle another hamburger or hot dog, and my hair still smells suspiciously of charcoal. Also, never wear Target rubber flip flops to stand for many hours on blacktop...... And still, I loved it all! Maybe I have a future as a professional volunteer, sounds incredibly lucrative.

Here are a couple of recent shots of the girls who have especially bonded recently. They really are two peas in a pod. Of course, there is no shortage of shrieking and squalling but neither can stay out of the other's business for 5 seconds, so all is GOOD!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Party Time!

Last week was a GREAT week!

Thursday, C and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary, sans kids, WOOOOHOOOO.

We got to eat Japanese food and finish entire sentences without interruption. Does it get any better than that?

Friday, Princess M and I got to spend the whole day together, without our favorite tagalong. She's stinking cute...but sometimes it's hard for my big girl and I to get any togetherness time with "little jealousy" along.

I chaperoned M's class field trip to see my favorite things.....NOT!!!!!

Later in the day, M's favorite boy, you remember the one, had his Bday party at the pool. Fun was had by all. They got to swim, I got to take pictures, and not wear a swimsuit....

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What a Day.....

So, here's how we spent last Saturday. It was a much appreciated family day of fun in an absolutely gorgeous place.

Check out Pfeiffer Beach, just down Big Sur Highway from us.

There's a freshwater stream that runs down the beach to the Pacific and the girls had a blast playing in the water and catching tadpoles by hand. My, how things have changed for Princess M.....

Things have also changed for this one, who, when we first arrived did not care for sand....

Trying to get the sand out of her bum after this day made Mom not so crazy about it either....