Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's a Good Thing.....

Yes, I am giving a shout out to "Martha" today in honor of my Great friend K over at One Crazy Adventure

Thanks to her creative abilities, Princess M is now a very happy camper with this...

This shot is just to show Princess L and her "coaching" M with her modeling... That's all I need, another perfectionist with bossy tendencies....

Thank heavens I have friends with such skills and talents so my girls can enjoy such lovely things, otherwise they would forever be deprived as my artistic abilities are completely nonexistent. The other great thing about this beautiful gift is that M's buddy Princess E has one just like it and of course having a best buddy twin all the way across the country makes it all the more awesome!

I do have one other quick thing to share.

I want to introduce the new "loves" of my life...

What more can I say. Life is sweet. I have almost forgotten how much I hate technology (or how much it hates me rather) with these new beauties. Who knew laundry could actually be fun?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ahhh, Success....

Yes, This picture represents a smashing success in our household.

As most of you know, oddly enough, C and I have incredibly food-averse offspring. How does this happen to two people who truly have a love affair with food? Don't get me wrong, as the mother to two girls in today's world I am extremely grateful that likely my girls will never have weight and body issues. However, I cannot understand how they can have absolutely no interest in food. They simply eat when we insist, which we do, three times each day, just to keep the screaming meanies to a minimum. The "screaming meanies" for those of you not in the know, are the beings that replace our otherwise lovely girls when they are so hungry they can't function, but would never consider simply asking for a snack...

So anyway in this picture you see Princess L indulging in 4, count em four, separate foods. Now, as adults, you and I know that Chicken fingers, Mac and Cheese (yes, the devil in the blue box kind)corn on the cob, and an apple does not necessarily a well-balanced meal make. However, for us this is HUGE! The first of you to point out to me that corn, pasta, and a complex carb are no substitutes for something green and leafy are officially off the Xmas list and the Blog roll, so if you ever wanted to run us off, now's your chance!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

And IT Begins.....

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my friend G at Princess M's school. We were discussing our surprise that her third grader was going to be allowed to participate in an after school dance....

In third grade????

We were both surprised and somewhat shocked as a boy had already invited her Gorgeous (yes, with a capital G) girl to said dance. G had explained to her daughter that although she would be allowed to go to the dance, she could expect to see her Mom there as a chaperon, and her date would be strictly her girlfriends, not any boy!

Since this conversation it has come to our attention that it is an all school dance... I am still not sure if that is better... Kindergartners through 5th graders at a dance? Should be entertaining at least.

Skip to this morning when G stops me as I am dropping off M. She mentioned she overheard a very interesting conversation between two of her children. It seems that Princess M's buddy B had said to his sister "It's too bad you can't go to the dance with a boy, because I am going with...(you guessed it) M!"

Here is the object of our affection, who coincidentally just yesterday M told me was the cutest boy in her class, and asked if I agreed. (I do...)

So it appears on Friday, I am going to a dance!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lest We Forget....

As a proud military family, it's very easy to consider our assignment here to be akin to one big vacation. It's not that C's workload isn't taxing and difficult to say the least, it's just that we are together everyday and....Safe. Having no possibility of deployment sometimes gives you a false sense of security, like what's happening over there doesn't really exist for this moment.

Then along comes a real life reminder of why we are here in the first place. We are here for C to get more tools and resources to help protect all of us. We have met some fabulous people here and many of them have already graduated and moved on. One such family we were lucky enough to meet on a few occasions has now moved on and are in the midst of a tough deployment. He is doing some wonderful things to help the people of Afghanistan and would love help.

I am including a link to his new blog.
If you can help, please do so. We are all lucky to have such a caring (and very funny) man out there protecting us and helping them!

Thanks Craig! We'll be praying for you!