Thursday, November 15, 2007

And another one of those days?

So, C says I cannot let the opportunity pass to share with you how my morning began today.

I shared the joys of yesterday so I might as well keep going....

I woke up with a tender and quite purple knee cap. The burn on my arm made C tell me I look like I work at a fast food joint.

I got M to school without incident. Yippeee.

I came home to exercise before getting cleaned up for L's Parent Place class. It's basically a Mommy and Me class where the Moms get to do most of the work and entertain their toddlers by acting as foolish as possible. Right up my alley....

Now every time I take a shower, L insists on coming in to check on me. This always sets off the smoke detector in our hall. Yes, every time! Usually the alarm sounds at least twice per shower. Today it didn't go off until I was actually out. The only way to stop the alarm is to wave something under the detector. C always uses a book, but I am not tall enough for that to work. So, I usually use a towel. With the first swipe of my towel today, I knocked the light cover off the adjacent fixture. This sent L into a cry of hysterics, as if she was emotionally attached to a plastic globe? A few seconds later the alarm sounded again. L was still crying and I went waving the towel (off my back mind you) like a maniac to stop the BLEEPING machine. This time the frayed edge of my oh so deluxe bath towel caught on the exposed screws from the missing light cover and stuck there. So imagine the sight C came to find. Me, umm, indecent, and trying to stop the alarm, calm down L, and fetch my towel back from the ceiling. Sorry, no pictures.

You just can't make this stuff up....

Here's hoping that it's all out of my system. Otherwise it could be a dangerous afternoon.


One Crazy Adventure said...

ROFLMAO... love the visuals. K

Elizabeth said...

Thank you S, that just made my own sucky day much brighter. Thank you!