Friday, September 28, 2007

My Job...

Okay, so I must admit every once in a while I have a twinge of regret that I am no longer gainfully employed. I would be dishonest to say that I don't miss having my own paycheck. Even more than that though, I miss using that part of my brain. I am sometimes fearful by the time I am available to go "back to work" ('cause you know all I do now is eat Bon Bons and shop; Peg Bundy, anyone?) that I will have forgotten how to have an adult conversation, much less actually manage adults. I know that many of my friends have found great satisfaction and financial reward working as independent sales reps for some wonderful companies. Unfortunately for me, I have absolutely no interest in selling anything ever again... Nine years working for different divisions of Lazarus/Macy's forever cured me of the sales bug. So, I guess recently somewhere in my subconscious I have been getting a little restless...

Until this morning...

As I took Princess M to school this morning, I encountered some middle school children harassing a child from M's school. "F" words were flying, and I was not having it. Long story short, apparently there is some history among these neighbor children. I don't really care what the history is.... No child is going to be bullied in front of me. So, as another Mom helped the child in question, I got a school administrator who hopefully was able to take ALL of the necessary info to handle this particular incident.

What a moment of clarity for me! All of a sudden it was abundantly clear why I MUST be here for my girls. I know I cannot protect them from everyone or everything. I also know no one else can and/or will advocate or outright fight for them like C and me. So, while he is providing for us, I will continue to do what I do. I think my Dad (one really smart dude!) is exactly right. He commented the other day when I called myself a sucker for getting myself wrangled into the Fall Festival, that he spent his entire career as a school principal pushing for parental involvement. So, until further notice, I will continue to be "just a stay at home Mom" who happens to spend a whole lot of time REALLY involved in my girls' lives. I am sure they will be thrilled (especially by high school...) Can you imagine the techie gadgets C will have by then for surveillance? I guess we will have to get rid of the baby monitors by the time they are in their teens.

On a side note, we are getting our decorating for Halloween done this weekend. Doesn't everyone have a six foot inflatable ghost mobile and pumpkin landscape lights for Halloween? In honor of this most auspicious holiday I am including some oldie but goodies Halloween pics.

Who wouldn't love this Care Bear? Circa 2004

We spent a day at a family owned pumpkin patch in Lawton OK in October 2005. These kids had the time of their life...

My pick of the patch....

Halloween party at our church in 2006. What a cute pair of devils...sorry R (not really) and yes, I did take my child to church dressed as a devil...

1 comment:

PAPA said...

Thanks for the kind words, S. Another bit of unsolicited advice... Don't be taken by surprise when one day soon M and L begin to discount your's and C's intellect, counsel, reasoning,--all of the above. In time, they too, will reconsider and begin to recognize the merit in their parent's madness. What goes 'round comes 'round. Love Papa