Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grace in Motion.

I am so glad that Princess M is still very focused on her goal to one day be a real ballerina. She has just begun her third year of formal lessons and is truly loving it. Now in all honesty, I truly have doubts that any daughter of mine, remember I am 5 foot 6 and have never been referred to as lithe or statuesque, will make prima ballerina level. Genetics aside though, the drive is there. What I sincerely hope is that it continues to give her joy and maybe, just possibly, a smidgen more natural grace than her mother. As you all well know, I am the proverbial bull in the china shop.

Point in case, the other night. My new friend Kirstin invited me to her jewelry party. I had a perfectly lovely time. Great food, wonderful wine (all from Monterey and not a box in sight), and terrific company. What a pleasure to get to gab with other women and shop without a rugrat in sight. So, three fast hours later I headed for home. One would assume I could make it a quarter mile home without incident. One would assume wrong. I have mentioned before our lack of parking. I believe I have also mentioned our hills and mountain lion sightings.... Okay, so I really wasn't concerned about big cats, but I am still pretty much a chicken in the dark by myself. Suffice to say, my run up the hill in flip flops and a skort did not end so gracefully. I have a very sore hand. I will have yet another scar to add to the always growing collection. I blame it all on my lack of interest in dance as a child. Why, oh why, did I insist on only competing in sports which involved projecting myself at the ground at high speeds?

So the scabs will heal, the scars will fade (not really...) but I will still be lacking anything even resembling grace. There is hope, however, for my girls. I am including a pic and you can guess which one is most closely following in my footsteps...



One Crazy Adventure said...

I absolutely love that picture. The contrast between the two couldn't be more perfect.

Again, your ability to tell a story and paint a picture is wonderful. I felt like I was there! :)


Elizabeth said...

What beautiful girls! I'm so glad to see that M is still a ham. Remind me to show you my ballerina picture from that age. I'm so glad I get to be her Aunt. :)

Granny said...

My little ballerina and my little sprite. Soooo cute! When is October ever going to get here? Hugs and kisses to all. Granny