Monday, December 17, 2007

Sweet Celebrations of the Season....

Sunday we started a new family tradition. We attempted our first Gingerbread House. I am not Martha, and we didn't actually bake anything this year, but we think it was a huge hit!

For those of you who don't mind a messy kitchen and even messier family, this kit is the way to go....

Here's our crew.....

Dad was Chief Frosting Spreader....

It's a really precise, scientific process, can't you tell?

This is our finished masterpiece. Note the strange look on M's face. Her first loose tooth is very wobbly at this point. I fear this may be the only expression we see until it falls out. The Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus may well be crossing paths at our house this year.


blunoz said...

The gingerbread house looks great! Don't ask me why it made me think of this, but have you ever had the pie crust cookies from the bakery down on Alvarado Street? I think it might have been the Monterey Bay Pie Company. Granted, it's been 6 years since we left Monterey, but we used to LOVE those pie-crust cookies - really flaky with lots of cinnamon and sugar. It was sort of diagonally across the street from that awesome restaurant and martini bar Lallapalooza. Ahhh, to be back in Monterey...

Granny said...

It's a Christmas Masterpiece! I can see the loose tooth in the picture, Mackenzie. The tooth fairy is awesome. I don't know what a fabulous tooth like that will bring now but it was worth a shiny quarter when your daddy was little. Lily, you have a great future in decorating. All my love, Granny

One Crazy Adventure said...

Love the house... miss you all.

e will be so excited to hear that the tooth is almost out. She keeps on wanting to eat a hard apple so hers will fall out too.

williams family said...

It looks so good the kids did such a great job I'm talking about C too :)