Friday, December 7, 2007

Adventures in Napping...

As adults, especially those of us who are parents of toddlers, I believe most of us would pay BIG money to be "made" to take a nap.

Why is it my toddler likens it to water boarding? You know, not really torture, but darn sure not fun!

On a recent lovely afternoon, yesterday to be exact, it took me 55 minutes to get my beloved down for a 90 minute nap. You do the math. If I sound desperate for that little slice of heaven during the day when no one is yelling, and the kids are quiet too, so be it! I feel compelled to share with you the limits to which L will go to avoid the dreaded "n" word. Never let it be said that my girls are not slaves to a routine. We already have a 15 minute ritual, unique to each child, that must be strictly adhered to before every slumber. L's involves being tucked just right, under the only acceptable blanket, and kissed on exactly the right spot. This never takes less than 3 attempts "NO, not there, right here" with a finger firmly planted on said spot. After finally planting an acceptable smooch, you must then make sure that every last hair is meticulously brushed back from her face, exactly. So back to yesterday, I completed the ritual, and went on my way. The first callback was to re-tuck the blanket. The second call was to remove the bunny-eared Carebear from the room all together. The third call was to return the bunny-eared Carebear. The fourth call was to remove the giant M&M, not one to be a pushover, I refused. The fifth call you ask? I removed the M&M and threatened to remove the one and only acceptable blanket if the little manipulator didn't lay down and go to sleep! I'll show her who is boss..... Ultimately she went to sleep, but funny thing about a kid who has to be awakened from her nap at 4:45pm? For some strange reason, they resist going to bed at 7:30pm. Go figure.

I have discussed this conundrum with a lot of other moms. Some of whom have had the gall to suggest I should just concede and give up the naps. I do believe they have lost their minds. I may not be able to out will her forever, but for the time being I will prevail. Sanity demands it!

A few months back she caved...

Last week when this one was sick with strep throat, I couldn't resist....

They look so cute and harmless, when sleeping.....


One Crazy Adventure said...

Sleeping pictures are the best! Could luck with the napventures.

One Crazy Adventure said...

oops... good luck.