Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jack Frost nipping at our nose...

Apparently it's rare for the daytime temperatures to drop below 60 degrees here. I am not complaining because I love to get outside with the girls throughout the year. I also love to be able to wear flip flops EVERY day (never mind the other few dozen pairs of shoes I own....)
I also love what I call "football weather". This requires being able to wear a big sweater and jeans without breaking a sweat (flip flops optional).

Recently we have had a couple of days of football weather. For my two little princesses, both born and raised in the deep south, this translated into a chance to break out the snow gear....

Heaven help us if we ever get stationed in Minot...

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

Looks like they are ready to join us on the drive cross country. Love the winter gear... and I LOVE football weather.