Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Blessings....

Even as we cared for a very sickly toddler on Christmas, I was constantly aware how lucky we are as we plowed through all of our loot. To look around and see my little family, healthy (in the big sense of the word), and all here together was a greater Blessing than I can express. We have so many friends and family this year who have struggled with health issues. We continue to remember them all in our prayers. As a military family, we are always keenly aware of how Blessed we are just to be in the same place for the Holidays. So many who share our path are apart. We could not be more grateful to those families for their sacrifices.

Here are some of our favorite moments from this year's festivities.....

This is seconds before the onslaught....

The dogs enjoyed their goodies too....

Princess M with new jammies, new necklace, oh yes and new hair.....

Our house added 7, that's right 7 new poodles to the mix this Christmas. Thankfully, none of them are of the breathing persuasion as Momma is not a fan of poodles. The princesses, however are in poodle heaven....

This one is actually yesterday, when Princess L had one quick burst of energy and went out to explore the new playhouse....

To keep the festive spirit alive as long as possible, we celebrate The Twelve Days of Christmas. Starting with Christmas day and continuing for the next eleven days we each receive a small gift to unwrap. The gifts are generally along the lines of stocking stuffers (except Daddy A always bends that rule on my gifts) am I a lucky girl or what? So we will be celebrating the season for several more days and hoping the Spirit remains with you all as well.


Granny said...

L and M must have been very good girls. Santa was very generous this year. Granny can't wait to come and play with all the new loot on the next visit. Big hugs and kisses.

One Crazy Adventure said...

Love the hair M!! I will have to post pictures of e's 'professional' job... luckily it will wash out soon.

williams family said...

wow 7 poodels sounds like alot of poodle fun. We miss you guys so much I really do wish we could play wii bowling together well maybe I will go home one of these days and I will come see you guys it's only a couple hours away ...Hope you have a wonderful new year!!!!!