Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas....

Look closely, that fuzz in the picture is SNOW!!!! (oh Ok, it's artificial snow, but who's splitting hairs...)

We spent Friday evening at the Gilroy Gardens. Gilroy CA is famous for one thing. It is the garlic capital of the world. As a few of our previous guests can attest to, there are times driving through the town will cause your eyes to water. The aroma of garlic really is that strong. Happily all we smelled Friday were Hot Chocolate and Christmas Cookies. It was actually only 35 degrees when we left the park. It felt cold enough to us confirmed Southerners to bring down some of the real white stuff. That could also have something to do with the fact that our Chief Outing Planner did not prepare the adults of the group for the weather.... Somehow I let C leave the house without gloves and hat, what was I thinking? I, in fact, did not even take a jacket but luckily had gloves in the diaper bag and stole M's scarf. That's a fun conversation..

"Yes, dear. Mommy knows it matches your hat beautifully, but Mommy is freezing and is going to use it to cover her ears.... No more whining about fashion or we're leaving this instant...."

Joyfully and Triumphantly we carried on to have a wonderful time.

The girls are ready for Roadsters. I told them to hit up Papa for that request...

On the third round on the carousel, L finally relented and actually rode a horse. It was ultimately a success!

On a final and separate note, we haven't begun opening presents yet, however we have begun receiving packages. As has always held true with kids, some of the gifts to come will likely be ignored after the first five minutes. The packing boxes, especially those assembled by Gramps with Duct tape, will be a fave as long as Mom can stand it in her family room...

Merriest of Christmases and Love to you all.

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

Who needs toys? A couple of boxes, some paper, a bag or two and a few toilet paper rolls work fabulously well.

Wish we could have experienced that kind of 'winter wonderland' with you all. Instead we got the real thing. Yuck!