Sunday, January 27, 2008

The New Generation of Rock...

It appears we have passed the torch....

I will spare you the live video version as the musical score from the omnipresent Barbie Guitar is a never ending version of the Britney chorus "Not that Innocent." Who at Mattel thought this song was an appropriate selection for a toy rated for and marketed to 3-8 year old girls? It's just so darn heartwarming to hear a toddler, kindergartner, and first grader belting it out in all their glory...

Why does this picture remind me of Hanson? MmmBop anyone?

Rock On!


Anonymous said...

C's red shorts finally made it in a blog. Guess you forgot to crop this one, S.

One Crazy Adventure said...

I'm dying laughing with Hanson comment.

I have to admit... I am a little jealous seeing a new girl in the mix... I know we are missing out on some great times. Come visit us soon! -K

slightly irregular said...

Looks like lots of fun. Not so many rocking girls here in the DC area. Wish we were there to see the show live.