Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Word of the Day...

Just a quick note today about my mini-princess, L.

Yesterday, we had to stop at the Mini Mart to get milk after taking M to school.

As we were leaving the store, I informed L of our itinerary for the rest of the morning. It included returning home to exercise and bathe before going to the Commissary for some weekly restocking. How is it when I lived two blocks from the Commissary I could go every two weeks? Now that I actually have to drive the interstate to get there, I barely make it five days... Anyway, L was not impressed with the plan...

L... " I want to go to the Commissary now Momma!"
Mom... " We can't go now L, it's not open."

L... " If you say abre it will open."

I am now officially excused for the countless hours my princess has spent watching Dora... She can teach me Spanish. Who knew when they said you learn something new everyday, that it would be a foreign language tutorial from your toddler?
Just for good measure, a couple of recent shots...


Elizabeth said...

That just made my day! Soooo clever, just like her big sis and parents! And cute too. :)

One Crazy Adventure said...

We all miss that little smartie.

williams family said...

L is getting so big Logan saw the pictures of her and said thats my frine L from the gym. very cute pics.

slightly irregular said...

Smart girl. Her advice might be worth trying. Loved the beach shot.

Through my lens said...

That is so funny! My kids have the Chick-fil-A language CD. Madeline has learned some Japaneese and I hope when we are in Guam and visit Japan it will come in handy. Love the pictures!