Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year....

The "A" Team wants to wish you a belated but wonderful New Year for 2008.

Obviously with two small children at home and all of our favorite people, not to mention approved babysitters, on the other side of the country we did not do any big celebrating. We did stay up way too late with new friends on the 30th... I believe it was the first time my girls saw midnight without there being sickness involved. This could also have something to do with the reason we were all in bed by 10pm on New Year's Eve. There is something anticlimactic about watching the ball drop in a delayed broadcast so we decided to skip The Rockin' New Year extravaganza. Somehow, I am certain we can catch a similar broadcast next December 31.

Today we donated several pennies to Chuck E. Cheese so the girls could both have a new pink troll doll. They make lovely additions to our ever growing poodle family in residence....

Tonight we are prepping for Winter Storm 2008. You heard it right. The Central Coast of California is expecting a winter storm working it's way down from Alaska over the next three days. I don't mean to make too light of a serious subject, but it strikes me as odd when the headline of today's paper is to watch out for the coming RAIN storm. If we do get the 50 mph winds and 2-4 inches of rain they are forecasting, then we will be closely watching the row of townhouses sitting on the hill above us. As long as they don't suddenly become our third story, I think we will persevere. It may be trying though, to be rained in for a couple of days. Our big Princess is REALLY ready to go back to school. It seems that the many, many new toys received one week ago on top of the hundreds she already had are not enough to alleviate the boredom....

Here is what the girls are doing right now as I type (other than asking me to do something for them every 1.5 seconds....) and yes, that is 3 different types of filth on L's shirt. It's been a long day....

These other pics are unrelated but too cute not to share.

M and her buddy E at their December gymnastics open house.

These last three show Princess L in her true Princess form...

No. 1 looking very royal.....

No. 2 looking slightly less royal....

No. 3 now that's my girl, really letting it all hang out.....


Granny said...

That's a fine belly on the little princess. Happy New Year! We love you bunches.

One Crazy Adventure said...

Funny... I was in bed at 10... on the East Coast. Moving is tough work.

We miss you guys and the great times that we've had. Hoping you find some good friends to help pass the time... we are hoping for that on this end too. Come visit soon!!

Elizabeth said...

Stay safe in your winter storm! Love those cuties and you two as well!