Thursday, February 21, 2008

I've Been Tagged...

OK, being a relative greenie in this whole blogging universe. I am not really even sure what being tagged means exactly, but I am a stickler for playing by the rules so here goes my effort.

Blunoz tagged me with a meme.


1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.

2. Post THE RULES on your blog.

3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.

4. Tag 7 people and link to them.

5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

As you all know, talking is never difficult for me, but oddly enough coming up with seven things I am willing to reveal about myself is actually tough.

Here is my best effort.

1. I have an irrational and obsessive fear of snakes. I have fought very hard to tackle this since I had children, as I would never want them to feel frozen with the kind of fear I do whenever I encounter said demons. I have actually taken Princess M to touch a real live snake just to show how "pretty" and "interesting" they are. Yes, those were quotes from me to M. I guess it goes to show, I will lie to my children when under duress.

2. I am a die hard Green Bay Packers fan from as far back as I can remember actually watching football. I have never been to and have no ties with Wisconsin. I met Paul Hornung at a friend's house when I was a kid and the rest is history. Sadly, most of my years as a fan have not been so productive. This year was looking to be an exception and then those darn Giants had to beat us, at home, in the snow....

3. I love to read, almost to the point of obsession. I will read anything I can get my hands on. I like everything from People Magazine to Poe, Sean Hannity to the Bible. I have been known to read the back of a shampoo bottle in the restroom. It's one of the things I miss most as the parent of young children. I hope by the time they are both in high school, I will have caught up on the last few years in the world of fiction as for now I seem to only have time to read my favorite few blogs a day and to quickly peruse The Monterey Herald.

4. I currently am listening to KLOVE Christian radio almost exclusively. As a lifelong music lover, I have just recently discovered how many REALLY talented musicians are in the Christian genre. In my opinion, there are almost NO good new rock musicians out there anymore, but KLOVE has some great artists with amazing, rocking, and actually inspiring songs. It's seems an odd twist of fate as most of the other music I listen to is old 80's hair bands, metal mania fare, and a few favorite country artists. It's definitely quite a contrast in content but at least I am able to answer M's questions about the lyrics....

5. I am a rabid editor, not for grammar (quite obviously), just spelling. It makes me CRAZY to find misspellings in print. Chalk it up to being the child of two teachers with some obsessive, compulsive traits of my own thrown into the mix.

6. As I am coming dangerously close to the end of my third decade, I have a new found love for cinnamon. I have had an aversion to the stuff most of my life. Suddenly, this year I can't get enough. Go figure. (Remember, the rules state, these items are supposed to be random...)

7. I apparently am much better at talking about things of which I have no idea, than things I actually know something about. Why else could I have spent the last 35+ years with rarely a lull in the conversation, and today when asked to talk about myself, this is all I could come up with?

I guess we just stumbled upon the previously unknown way to shut me up....

I hope you all found this little exercise enlightening in some way. I found it a little painful and fun just the same. I hope that some of the folks I am tagging will share much more exciting and entertaining tidbits... Unfortunately, I don't know seven other people to tag at this point, but here are those I do.

Elizabeth at Oxford, Abridged

B at Slightly Irregular

Glynda at The Richters "Party of 5"

Shelley at Williams Family

Thanks Blunoz!

P.S. I did NOT order a new computer because I am cheap and stubborn and not yet quite ready to throw in the towel. Today I used this lovely machine three separate times without getting the boot, so here's hoping she has some more life in her until someone who knows something about these monsters can come save me from myself.


Through my lens said...
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blunoz said...

Well done! Enjoyed reading your meme. Your paragraph 4 about KLOVE and 80's music - wow. I could have copied and pasted that paragraph into my own blog. We were first introduced to KLOVE there in Monterey by our neighbors and have been hooked ever since.

Elizabeth said...

Man...I don't know 7 bloggers either. Well, not 7 that will answer. Good thing I love you. And have very little else better to do with my time at the moment...

One Crazy Adventure said...

Loved it. And, there were only 2 things that I didn't know about you. I guess that goes to show you that you do talk a lot... and about yourself! :) Love ya girl! Miss you guys! K

Granny said...
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slightly irregular said...

Cinnamon- I can hardly believe it! You are a changed woman. You are a great talker and I love talking with you. Only wish we lived down the street so we could watch the kids play and talk all day. I think we talked the whole 8 hours to SA and could have kept going.
If I have any spelling errors, please contact R my editor-in-chief. I'll place all blame on him.
I would be happy to listen to a radio station. I'm on kid CD's and A loves that repeat button. I did notice when I watch the music channels I mostly go to the 80's. I guess that is showing our age.

One Crazy Adventure said...

BTW, you know I'm kidding, right??

And how wonderful is your mother-in-law?? What a great comment/compliment.

The A Team said...

The Richter's "Party of 5" said...
Oh goodnes S! Leave it to you to task me with having to reveal "secrets" about myself. Urghhh... I am a horrible speller as you know so it must irk you to bits to read my blog. I have attempted spell check but have been unsuccessful(spelling?) Ha! HA! I can't get the darn spell check to work and I am not about to use a dictionary. I have a funny to post about spelling when I have more time. As for your tag - I will do it Sunday when I have time. I am working on World Thinking Day and it will be over Saturday at 5pm. It is a girl scout event.

I am glad the package made it. We are up to $190.00 in donations. Thanks so much!

February 21, 2008 8:34 PM

The A Team said...

Granny said...
The fact that you find it hard to talk about yourself, in and of itself is a wonderful trait. It says all the things that I know and love about you. You are always "other-focused and outwardly-focused". Always loving, giving, caring and sharing with the people close to you and any stranger you happen to meet. Always, the adventurer, taking in every beautiful and not so beautiful thing in this wonderful world we live in and enjoying, learning, processing it all, and teaching others about it. How amazing that I always wanted a baby girl named S and God saw fit to bring a lovely young woman into my family named S that I am so proud to call my daughter-in-law. You may not like talking about yourself but I can toot your horn from "here to infinity and beyond".

February 22, 2008 12:32 PM

The A Team said...

The last two comments were deleted and reprinted at the discretion of our security manager. HE insists on relative anonymity...LOL

Through my lens said...

I did the exercise you gave me. I do not have anyone to Tag. It was fun. I learned some things about you and B that I did not know.