Monday, February 4, 2008

Mondays are Reinstated...

Okay, I have relented and am again allowing Mondays to proceed.

If you know us REALLY well, you know that last week actually got crazier (worse) by Wednesday. We are however closing the chapter on last week and moving forward, Mondays and all.
When I stepped out on my front porch this morning, I was greeted by the following images. If these don't make you optimistic, even in the midst of a presidential election, nothing will.

I never did make it to Big Sur to see the Gray Whales last week, as every time we were set to head out it started pouring. The Bay was also visited by a resident pod of forty Orcas from Puget Sound this weekend. So, my goal for the week is to complete a trip to Big Sur and attempt to take some pictures as well. Cross your fingers for us and of course we'll share any and all successes.

Hope everyone has a great week. For those of you in Super Tuesday states, don't forget to vote tomorrow!


slightly irregular said...

I'm glad Mondays are back. I hope this week is 110% better! Wish we had flowers like those to greet us in the morning.

One Crazy Adventure said...

Beautiful pictures... definitely framable. Hoping we get some warm weather soon for inspiring photographs. -K