Sunday, February 17, 2008

Computer Blues...

I can't honestly say that a lot of exciting stuff has been going on around here. We have been rather boring the last couple of weeks. However, we could have discovered the answers to all of the questions of the universe and we wouldn't have shared them with you due to frustration with our computer. I should say my computer, his works just fine and to keep it that way, I NEVER touch it. So I am tempting the fates again by trying to complete one short entry. I believe we, and I mean he, have almost selected our, and I mean my, next computer and hopefully the UPS man will be winging my way soon. Of course then there will be setups and installations and all sorts of things I will not in any way get involved with in the interest of family harmony. We work VERY well together. We both know our strengths and otherwise stay out of the other's way. It's a beautiful partnership!

We did finally have a Valentine's date on Friday afternoon as our babysitter had recovered from an earlier illness. You know you are anxious for some adult time when you call your babysitter the next day after she has had to cancel to tell her to heck with giving our two year old some rare bug, just come on over. In all honesty, we THINK, it was just allergies. Anyway, C and I are so out of practice for this date thing that after a lovely childless lunch overlooking Monterey Bay, we couldn't decide what next to do with our remaining hour. Wouldn't everyone have gone to the Med group at the Post to pick up the Medical records they keep calling to harass us about? For those of you in the military, it should be no surprise.... When we were leaving Altus, I made a VALIANT, and I mean politely demanding, attempt to hand carry our medical records knowing we were going be using civilian providers here. OH NOOOOO, that is never possible. "These records belong to the US Government and you are not allowed to hand deliver them. We will send them when they are officially requested by another Government agency, blah, blah, blah." In December, four months after we arrived here, we started getting the calls from the Army Med Group to please pick these up as "we don't want to lose or be responsible for them."
Imagine that. Needless to say, I have the utmost faith in the integrity of the system. I almost typed that with a straight face.

Anyway, it wasn't a wasted trip. I now know thanks to a big sign at the clinic the three days a week on which I can go to a clinic specifically to have my warts and/or toenails removed. Apparently, there must be quite a demand for those services....

We did enjoy seeing some of the local wildlife on the trip up there. When I say up, for those of you who haven't been here, the Presidio sits on the top of one of the highest hills here. It has a gorgeous view of the bay and a plethora of quite tame deer.
Small disclaimer... I didn't have my new camera with me....

C snapped this yesterday, again old camera, but check out the wee princess' expression...


blunoz said...

Glad you two were able to get out for a date. We're just glad the last babysitter our boys offended has reluctantly agreed to come back for a Navy social event on March 1st.

I remember how tame those deer were at the Presidio. I used to volunteer in the SCUBA shop at the MWR Outdoor Rec place on the Presidio. One day I was riding my bike there, and as I rode my bike up the hill, there was a deer standing on the side of the road munching on the grass. He didn't budge an inch as I rode right by him, huffing and puffing and panting riding up the hill. I was like 2 feet away from him!

One Crazy Adventure said...

I cannot believe that you would actually post pictures taken with an old camera... jeez. :)

You know our opinion on what your new computer should be... but anything that doesn't cause you to want to throw it out the window would be best.

e and k loved seeing you guys on the webcam too. KK keeps on asking where you went.

slightly irregular said...

Yeah for a dinner alone. I totally understand the what do we do with our time now.
Hope the new computer is setup and running soon.
I think L must have seen Home Alone.

Elizabeth said...

M looks older than the 6 she is about to turn. *Sigh* They are getting so big! I miss my girls. Good luck with the new computer!!

blunoz said...

Tag! I nominated you for a meme. See my blog for details. :-) (Sorry, I realize you've been having computer difficulties. Whenever you get them sorted out and are looking for a blog topic.)