Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just Doing Our Part....

We are so "green" since we moved to California....

We water our weeds...

and our mulch....

and occasionally something we actually want to grow.....

Other than that one random day of sun, we have recently had almost continual rain and fog. Thus our normal attire has been this.....

I have always been the "glass half full" girl but I will fully admit I may have some Seasonal Affective Disorder going on. I need sunlight.... So, if in its infinite wisdom the USAF is ever considering sending us to England, or Seattle for that matter, I may have to be medicated....

Seriously though, our lack of blogging has really just been because weather has kept us in. There's only so much you can photograph and talk about that happens in 1250 square feet, without completely rendering your audience catatonic. That being said, the weather is improving. Princess M has a birthday this week, and my parents arrive on Tuesday. Surely, with all this going on we will soon have stories to tell.

Have a great week!


One Crazy Adventure said...

Welcome back! The bug is so dang cute. Sorry to hear about all the rain. Head on over to the east coast and you can have rain, ice and snow... ahhh, coastal winters are the best.

Through my lens said...

Hi there. We've missed you! You could never be "catatonic". Your blogs are so entertaining. Your choice of adjectives always amuse me as it used to amuse my mother. Your energy for life jumps right off the screen. I miss seeing that in person.

Elizabeth said...

Come to England please!!!!!!!! That would be so amazing! Oh, I can dream.

Happy Birthday my wonderful M!

Uncle J and I love you very much. The present is on its way and so is the e-card. Love you sweetie!

slightly irregular said...

Rain, rain go away my friend S
wants to play!!
I am so with you on the needing sunshine to be happy. I have always told R if we get Alaksa or England all of his extra money would go towards Prozac and trips to sunny places.
L looks so grown up. She can come here anytime and water anything. You know my skill on making things grow. I need all the help I can get.
Happy Birthday M!! Can't wait to see pictures of the party on the blog. Enjoy your parents visit.

Through my lens said...

Happy Birthday Mackenzie!
Gretchen, Madeline and William

slightly irregular said...

Just noticed the walmart sticker on L. Gotta love walmart!