Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wii Mania

So, I know on more than one occasion I have extolled the virtues of our Wii. I really should be getting paid for all of the commercial endorsement. While Granny and Gramps were here, we got them into the act and I do believe we have made some more fans. We boxed and bowled and a great time was had by all.

Last night we were invited to our friends' house for dinner and a Wii-nement. We had wonderful fajitas and a few margaritas, apparently one two many for me, as this morning reminded me that my "partying" days were over long ago for a good reason. We had some great competition and even picked up a few pointers. My friend K has a mean bowling stance... She also has a killer left hook. I was KO'd in the 2nd round. I also was reminded yet again that tennis, in any form, is not my game. So, in spite of being skunked in every game except bowling, and even in that we won't discuss my last game, we had a great evening. The girls had a blast playing until 10pm with their buddies E and K. We left their house a mess and their kitchen empty and we hope we have not been banned from future tourneys... L even brought home one of K's shoes. My family really knows how to show off our social graces...

Today was spent mostly watching our "home" teams. We are very excited that UK knocked off LSU. But, more importantly our CARDS were able to upset Cincinnati... WOOHOOOOO!!!

As a funny side note, L is now the most crazed CARDS fan in our house. Granny and Gramps brought us all new CARDS shirts, pajama pants and new vanity plates for the new car. L insisted on wearing her "birdy shirt" three days in a row and was flat out mad when I insisted it must be washed before wearing it again. That's my girl!

Only one pic to share tonight, M is currently obsessed with all things poodle. Animal fanatic that I am, poodles would probably rank the lowest on my list of desired canines. I actually don't like them at all. My beloved firstborn thinks they are the best thing since chocolate. Go Figure...
For Halloween M will be a Barbie Sock hop girl because it's pink, it's Barbie, and it has a poodle skirt... To quote Seinfeld.... "Serenity now..."

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

'My friend K has a mean bowling stance... She also has a killer left hook'... Yep, that's right and don't you forget it!! :)

Friendly competition is always welcome here, as well as messes and thievery. You know a good time was had by all when the neighbors from across the street heard all the noise... and they aren't directly across the street. Oops.