Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's good to have friends...

So, I have decided one of the toughest parts of being technically "unemployed" is battling cabin fever. You know, that feeling that the rooms are getting smaller around you and one more episode of Hi5 or one more game of Candy Land will be the one to push you over the edge... I am just not a sitter, or an organizer, or a cleaner, or a knitter. I am a GOer, LOL, that's a word, right? Luckily for me, my girls have inherited this gene. L starts the day with "get me dressed Mama..." and M's first words after "where's my juice?" are always "where are we going today?" We three, are always up for an adventure, no matter how daunting the logistics might seem.

Yesterday, during L's gymnastic class, we learned our new bigger, better Super Target had opened over the weekend. Since we had my friend K and her two girls riding with us, I asked if they were up for some shopping and a McD's Playland lunch? How happy were we to be given the green light? One would think we had been offered a trip to Hawaii. So, off we go, six girls on a mission to check out the newest addition to our vast array of shopping choices. Remember, for the last two years we had to drive to the next state for a Target. We are in heaven. If you could only see us with four small girls, two blonds, two brunettes, all crammed in one of those carts with the diagonal bench seats for two. Those kids are like monkeys or to quote my friend K, "they are freaking Houdinis..." Only twice in 4o minutes did we have to do the "stop and drop." You know it Moms... You can hear 'em, but you cannot quite see 'em and only the view from your belly on the floor will give away the current rack within which they are hiding, and giggling uncontrollably. K, incidentally, would win the gold if the "stop and drop" were an Olympic event. That girl is lightning fast!


A whole lot of stuff we could not possibly live without later... We were off to McD's. Upon first entering the joint, it looked as if we were in for some drama as the kids were all very excited to be going to lunch, because at McD's you get to have Sprite. For some reason, the chance to drink something carbonated always equates to Christmas-like glee. The fountain machine was not functioning when we arrived and I thought there might be a mutiny. Thankfully, the miracle man got it up and running and the trip was not a loss. Lunch was barely touched, Sprites were drunk, and slides were slid, no tears or blood were shed. All in all, a totally successful meal for two toddlers and two kindergartners.

Today we took it up a notch and went 45 miles to Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, we have one closer, but we like to expand our horizons, and the one closer doesn't have some of my favorite games. I confess, I am a CEC addict. So, off we go, three Moms, five kids and two strollers, all in my new Armada. Have I mentioned how much I love that thing? Once again we had a wonderful time playing, eating, drinking, (Sprite two days in a row, my kids are really living it up) and .... shopping. Did I neglect to mention that this CEC just happens to be in the same shopping center as Old Navy? You can't go all that way and not make a quick shopping expedition. You haven't really lived until you have let loose five kids, age 5 and under, hopped up on Sprite and ice cream in a retail establishment. I am not sure what makes the workers happier, the amount of clearance items we can buy in 30 minutes, or seeing our mass exodus when even we have had enough. Today, my bag beeped the security sensors when we left. They didn't even hesitate to wave me on out. I cannot imagine why they didn't want me to come back in and check for contraband....

Can you see the determination on her face? Can't imagine who that kid belongs to?

This one could spend the whole day with Barney, if only the other kids didn't want to ride....

All jokes aside, as I labeled this entry, it is not only good, but great to have friends. I am very grateful that everywhere we go, we continue to find like-minded folks who are willing to risk the wrath of sales people and risk managers alike, to venture out with us and explore the world, one Chuck E. Cheese and Target at a time.

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

A great time was had by all. And yes, it's not only good, but great, to have friends. Thanks for the adventures!

Maybe next time we can venture off in MY Armada. We are this close to having it today. I feel like a master negotiator!!