Thursday, April 3, 2008

And IT Begins.....

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my friend G at Princess M's school. We were discussing our surprise that her third grader was going to be allowed to participate in an after school dance....

In third grade????

We were both surprised and somewhat shocked as a boy had already invited her Gorgeous (yes, with a capital G) girl to said dance. G had explained to her daughter that although she would be allowed to go to the dance, she could expect to see her Mom there as a chaperon, and her date would be strictly her girlfriends, not any boy!

Since this conversation it has come to our attention that it is an all school dance... I am still not sure if that is better... Kindergartners through 5th graders at a dance? Should be entertaining at least.

Skip to this morning when G stops me as I am dropping off M. She mentioned she overheard a very interesting conversation between two of her children. It seems that Princess M's buddy B had said to his sister "It's too bad you can't go to the dance with a boy, because I am going with...(you guessed it) M!"

Here is the object of our affection, who coincidentally just yesterday M told me was the cutest boy in her class, and asked if I agreed. (I do...)

So it appears on Friday, I am going to a dance!


Through my lens said...

Go Mac! He better bring you a flower. I can't wait to see pictures.

slightly irregular said...

WOW! What to wear? I can't believe it starts so young. I mean my college didn't even allow dances on campus until after I graduated.

Have fun! Can't wait for the details.

One Crazy Adventure said...

Ahhh... young, young, young love. Is there anything better??

Elizabeth said...

Just like her Uncle J! :)

williams family said...

wow thats crazy but I guess thats cali for ya. I hope you guys have fun:)