Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to School....

SO, We are officially into week two and I am just now sitting down to blog.....

It seems that the PTA is a full-time job!

The good news is that M loves her teacher and is thrilled to be back at school. The great news is, at first glance, it appears that our homework will actually be less and easier than Kindergarten. This is a big deal for all of us, as the amount of homework last year had me a little alarmed that "my" second attempt at Elementary school might not be a smashing success....

I am also loving the PTA. It is a bit overwhelming. I have to keep reminding our Ways and Means VP (Chief Tech Geek...) that my last computer class was in 1992. Thankfully, I had fabulous tech support teams for the 10 years I worked. It's amazing how much they could clean up my well-intentioned messes.... Apparently, there is no tech support in the volunteer world... I keep fearing that I am going to shut down the whole school system with one wayward keystroke. Other than my technical difficulties, and my inability to be multiple places at once (with toddler in tow, of course) it is a great unpaid job!

So, because I have dinner to cook, a playdate to supervise, and 30some volunteer interest forms to enter, I will close with a couple of shots of Princess M's triumphant return to the halls of education.

All dressed in the new Back to School clothes from Grandma and Papa....
Thrilled to share a desk with one of her best buddies from last year. Who doesn't love new school supplies?


slightly irregular said...

Sounds like it has been crazy busy around your place! Glad to see that both you and M are enjoying the new school year. I know the PTA is grateful to have you (lack of computer skills and all)!

We still have this week plus 2 more. Kids are ready and counting down. Hope my enthusiasm for PTA is as big as yours.

M looks very hip in her new clothes. Tell her my M says hello and is jealous that she is getting to start school already.

williams family said...

wow school already my kids start sep2 i almost wish that day was tomorrow then I remind myself I have to get up early when school starts and am glad that we still have a few weeks to go. Dont tell Madisyn that not everyone has to sport school uniforms . It sounds like you guys a doing good keep up the good work with the PTA!!!!

One Crazy Adventure said...

I am so looking forward to school to start... Wednesday!! Woohoo!! Although it's bitter sweet... I am wishing that it was there. There is just something to be said about that school. Little e will be going to a good school and hopefully we will all find some new good friends. Fingers crossed.