Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Party Time!

Last week was a GREAT week!

Thursday, C and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary, sans kids, WOOOOHOOOO.

We got to eat Japanese food and finish entire sentences without interruption. Does it get any better than that?

Friday, Princess M and I got to spend the whole day together, without our favorite tagalong. She's stinking cute...but sometimes it's hard for my big girl and I to get any togetherness time with "little jealousy" along.

I chaperoned M's class field trip to see my favorite things.....NOT!!!!!

Later in the day, M's favorite boy, you remember the one, had his Bday party at the pool. Fun was had by all. They got to swim, I got to take pictures, and not wear a swimsuit....


slightly irregular said...

Isn't it nice not to have to go into the pool? I can't believe you guys still have those goggles. We have gone thru several more pairs. Happy Anniversary (better late than never).

One Crazy Adventure said...

Sounds like it was a good week... I love those weeks!

Little e and I are definitely due for some alone time... such a good thing to do.

Happy Belated Anniversary. Wish we could have been there to watch the girls for you.