Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Wii bit of Fun...

So, if you know C and I, you know that we like to play. You might even call us competitive... Each move we try to reward ourselves for all of the hassle with a new family toy. This time I (yes, S not C) bought a Wii. Now of course C does have every game system he has ever owned still fully intact, but this is different. I LOVE this thing. If you have a family and you like to move around, ALOT, this is an addictive toy. We bowled and boxed until late last night. Most of you know I go to the gym faithfully 5 days a week, (down 26 pounds by the way) I am sore! My first friend here, a proud Navy spouse, inspired me to enthrall you all with these ramblings and recommended the Wii. She also warned me about the soreness after their first weekend of "friendly" competition. I will move on from my Nintendo commercial for now, but be forewarned, if you come to Monterey we will be playing.

I thought I would include a couple of pics today of our new "hometown" and immediately found one from an old "hometown" that I have to include. The girls and I went back to San Antonio with our beloved Sides friends for a last bash at Sea World before we had to part ways. We are still in mourning having to leave the Sides behind (boy, could we have had some Wii tournaments with them...) but we have wonderful memories and one officially waterlogged cell phone to show for the trip. Note to all you camera phone owners, if you carry your phone in your backpack during San Antonio's most torrential downpour ever and you do not carry the "insurance" you will be purchasing at full price a new phone. Anyway, the pic is of M and her best buddies in the world at the waterpark before the real deluge began.
The next pic is of M and some new friends we met at the housing office here. If you have never tried to get into military housing, you might not understand how someone could spend enough time together in a lobby to arrange a playdate... The accomodations are great, the process to get them, not so much.
We also recently took the girls to their first "Rock" concert. You know we had to start them early. The Monterey County fair, slightly more upscale than our beloved KY State Fair, was just up the road from our house. They had a free concert on Friday night with.... Night Ranger. Just so you know the last time I saw these guys in concert I was 14, that's right 23 years ago I saw them at Six Flags in St. Louis on my way back from a softball tourney in Tulsa OK. I have to say for those others of you out there who still acknowledge our 80's hair band roots, they still rocked... The girls had a blast. I am afraid though, L may have a future dancing on tables if we are not careful. She nearly stole the show for our section of the lawn. I think my Ozfest days are definitely over but this was a fun show for us all. M even got her face painted for the event and I am including a pic.
The last pics are of some of our local residents here. I am still not great with which are seals versus sea lions. They are all cute, loud, and considerably more pleasant smelling from a distance...

1 comment:

One Crazy Adventure said...

Just for clarification... the sea life 'round these parts include the harbor seal (which you have pictured) and the most often photographed sea otter. Those are the cute furry creatures that lay on their backs and eat.

Your friendly naturalist... K